Install Internet Explorer On Ubuntu Using Wine

Posted : admin On 25.12.2019

Believe it or not, there is sometimes a need to have Internet Explorer available. Some web designers like to be able to to test their sites with all possible browsers. Some websites are poorly designed and will only function properly in Internet Explorer.So many designers (and users) need to have this browser available. If you use Linux there are a couple of possibilities.

  1. Internet Explorer 10 For Ubuntu
Install Internet Explorer On Ubuntu Using Wine

You could run Internet Explorer in a Virtual Machine (See my article ') or you could install Wine and IEs4Linux.In this article we will deal with installing Internet Explorer with the help of Wine and IEs4Linux. The installation is not difficult and in the end you should have ever possible browser available to you for all your testing needs. Even though this installation will require the use of WINE you will not have to go through any complicated WINE set up. In fact the most difficult aspect of this setup is downloading and running a script that will take care of the most difficult part of the installation for you.Preparing for the installationThe first thing you need to do is to make sure you have the right repositories in your /etc/apt/sources.list file.

Open that file up and check to make sure the Universe repositories are uncommented. If you are using Januty (9.04) you will see the lines:deb jaunty universedeb-src jaunty universedeb jaunty-updates universedeb-src jaunty-updates universeMakes sure none of those lines begin with the '#' character. If they do, remove that character and save the file.

If you had to make changes to the file you will need to update apt with the command:sudo apt-get updateNow you are ready to begin the installation.InstallingThe first thing you need to do is install a couple of applications with the help of apt-get. From within the same terminal you checked the sources.list file issue the following command:sudo apt-get install wine cabextractOnce this has finished you need to download the IEs4Linux installation script from. When that file is downloaded go back to your terminal window and change to the directory that file was downloaded to and issue the following commands:tar xvzf ies4linux-XXX.tar.gzWhere XXX is the release ies4linux-XXXWhere XXX is the release number.You are now inside the directory that contains everything necessy to install three different versions of Internet Explorer for Linux (5, 5.5, and 6 Sorry - no 7 or 8).

Issue the following command./ies4linux Figure 1The above command will open the GUI installation tool (see Figure 1). From within this tool you can select which version(s) of Internet Explorer to install, the language, if you want Flash Player 9 installed, and where you want icons to be placed.You can also click the advanced button for more options.

Within the advanced section you can select to install IE7 which is very much in beta. I attempted this installation only to have python segfault. There is a hack for this but it's not really worth the trouble. The problem is that IE7 is not yet supported by WINE. As soon as it is IEs4Linux will add this support.Once you have made those choices click OK and the installation will proceed. Figure 2When the installation begins a new window will pop open (see Figure 2). The last line in this window instructs you how to run Internet Explorer.

In my case the executable is located in /home/jlwallen/bin/ie6. There is a rather odd behavior I have found with this installation. Upon completion of IEs4Linux you may not be able to run Internet Explorer without the help of sudo. Do not do this. Before you run the /bin/ie6 command issue the following command:sudo chown -R USER.USER /.ies4linuxWhere USER is the user name you log in with (in my case jlwallen)The problem is that some of the files/directories in the /.ies4linux directories are installed as the root user. Your standard user will not be able to issue those command or use those files. So changing the ownership of the files and directories within the /.ies4linux directory solves that issue.Final thoughtsHaving IE 6 on your machine will not solve a lot of problems.

But having the ability to test features of your web sites with as many browsers as possible is always good. Hopefully IE 7 will be supported soon which will bring even more validity to the IEs4Linux project.

Why this is here.I love Linux. I also love BibleWorks. Unfortunately, these two loves of mine don't play nice together. BibleWorks only likes Windows and Mac. So, what's a Linux-loving BibleWorks junkie to do? Well, there is a way to make everyone cooperate, and that is to create a sort of sandbox where BibleWorks thinks it's playing with Windows, when it's really Linux in Micro$oft clothing.

The 'sandbox' is a lovely little project called 'Wine'.I n all honesty, this is here because, having done it once, I didn't want to lose my notes on how. I update this as I am able.Preamble. Wine is not a Windows emulator. Infact, that is what the name stands for (Wine Is Not an Emulator.)Wine is an implementation of the Windows API in Linux (an API is anApplication Program Interface, how software talks to the operatingsystem.) Wine allows many Windows-Only programs to run successfullyin Linux. To get BibleWorks running well under Wine, you will needto know a few things that Windows users rarely need to do, likeaccess a command line. If you are unsure after reading this that youknow how to proceed, check with a friendly neighborhood experiencedLinux user.

(We're everywhere.). Wine essentially comes in twovariations, a commercially-supported version (from a company calledCodeWeavers) and a community-supported version (called Wine.) Thereare a few small differences between CodeWeavers and Wine, and sinceCodeWeavers' product is commercially supported, we will limitourselves to Wine. There is also 'Play on Linux' which is essentially W ine with some scripts to automate configu ring Wine for specific software. Since BibleWorks isn't on the list yet, we'll focus on Wine. For reference, this was developed usingUbuntu 13.10 (a.k.a “Saucy Salamander”) in the 64-bitversion. It has been kept updated for later versions, however.

Internet Explorer 10 For Ubuntu

The use of a 64-bit Linux introduces a few small additionalsteps, which we will identify. Also, every Linux Distribution usesits own package management systems, so while these commands will workin Ubuntu (and with small changes, also in Debian) users of otherLinuxim (Linuxot?) will need to use their equivalent native packagemanager commands (i.e. RPM Redhat Package Manager for Fedora. IMPORTANT:Uncheck “Install the latest updates for InternetExplorer.” when that window comes up. Wait a bit.and click“Restart Later” at the end of the process.

Wine willautomatically do the things that Windows needs a “restart” to do.UPDATE NOTE for Ubuntu 14.04 users: The version of winetricks that is installed from Ubuntu's repository is broken, because the script points to the wrong URL. You will be bett er off with the following commands$ wget sudo cp./winetricks /usr/local/bin$ sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/winetricks. This is two years after your post but I hope maybe you can help.

I'm wanting to go to some version of Linux to avoid W10 (and I'm having a lot of trouble getting Linux to try,but that's another story). But I do need to make sure BibleWorks will function with Linux so it is good to see your post. Two questions: 1) what if BibleWorks is already installed?

And 2) I have Windows 8 right now. Would that make a difference? This is REALLY important as I am a missionary who teaches online for a seminary in Mexico and my classes begin August 22. Blessings, Dean ( This is two years after your post but I hope maybe you can help. I'm wanting to go to some version of Linux to avoid W10 (and I'm having a lot of trouble getting Linux to try,but that's another story).

But I do need to make sure BibleWorks will function with Linux so it is good to see your post. Two questions: 1) what if BibleWorks is already installed?

And 2) I have Windows 8 right now. Would that make a difference? This is REALLY important as I am a missionary who teaches online for a seminary in Mexico and my classes begin August 22.

Blessings, Dean (