Program Key Fob For Harley
Posted : admin On 24.01.2020NOT TRUE take BOTH fobs to your 'potentially new' dealer and they should program or replace the battery in the fob/s they will just hook the bike up to the DTII and it should all be N/C under warranty. I truly do not like dealership persons that give the good ones a bad name. Many dealers, ours included, does not set the security on bikes to make it easier to move them about when moving inventory around.
We program them with the owners own personal pin code,while doing the personal delivery process.and confirm that both fobs work when explaining the security system on the walk around explaining hows and whys about the specific bike.why be generic. Did you perhaps decline that walkaround process because you thought you knew it all and in the process your salesman did not do his job by completing the process. Download whatsapp for laptop. You should have signed off on a delivery sheet that you had inspected everything and that everything was in acceptable condition.
How To Program Key Fob
Calling all dealers stealers is like condemning all Harley riders as drunken thugs just because of 1 bad apple. If you are unhappy with your dealer DONT GO BACK find another one I know there may be bad experiences at any shop at any given or independent shop.