Setedithomecast 1.12 Crack

Posted : admin On 29.12.2019
  1. Setedithomecast 1.12 Crack Download

Setedithomecast 1.12 Crack Download

Set Home is a very lightweight plugin which sets a player's home on command. They can then teleport to it whenever they want. This is useful for Survival type servers, where a player needs to get back in a huge world of players.

Setedithomecast 1.12 Crack

This is also essential for those who may just want to teleport to any specified spot on command.This plugin is also essential for those who wish to go to a specified spot without the time-waste of travelling.Screenshot:Commands:/sethome/homePermissions:home.sethomehome.home. Hi guys, i'm new to this (just created a account xD) and i have a server and installed this plugin. Not that anythings is wrong, it al works perfectly fine but heres my question. How in the world do i delete a home? XD I made a BIGmistake and made like a THOUSANDS of homes and i can't seem to find how to delete them and when i try to do the commands list by typing /SetHome just like the plugin told me.


It makes another home Oo and idk how this can happen '(O-o)/` but can i have a little help pls? Anyone has good suggestions?-Jesse(TheGamingWaffle) (sorry for the bad English). Hi guys, i'm new to this (just created a account xD) and i have a server and installed this plugin. Not that anythings is wrong, it al works perfectly fine but heres my question. How in the world do i delete a home? XD I made a BIGmistake and made like a THOUSANDS of homes and i can't seem to find how to delete them and when i try to do the commands list by typing /SetHome just like the plugin told me. It makes another home Oo and idk how this can happen '(O-o)/` but can i have a little help pls?

Anyone has good suggestions?-Jesse(TheGamingWaffle) (sorry for the bad English).