Lineage 2 Interlude Treasure Box Patch Programs

Posted : admin On 14.01.2020
LineageTreasure box scrapbookingPrograms

Box Treasure Boxes

Hello Dear Fellows,I would like to share with you this simple project:. I made it myself some time ago, and it was online for a while but on a different domain.I almost gave up on this project since it wasnt very popular. And since I can't invest more to keep it alive I've decided to move whole page and database from dedicated server to some free shared hosting.I really hope that you will find this project usefull. It was made specificaly for my favourite L2 chronicle - Interlude, but it covers partialy also High Five and Valiance.FEATURESI think you will find there some usefull informations.Armor setsIn this sectoin you will find all available in game armor sets.

(AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, PR, SC, TN, VI)Airport Improvement Program (AIP) Subject/TitleDate( PDF)5/30/2019( PDF)3/22/2019( PDF)3/18/2019( PDF)4/18/2018( PDF)4/9/2018( PDF)3/15/2017( PDF)12/7/2016( PDF)4/15/2016( PDF)7/16/2013( PDF)3/12/2012( PDF)( PDF)( PDF)( PDF).( PDF)( PDF)( PDF)6/9/1999See related information.AIP-Related FormsNote: Forms for the Airport Improvement Program (OMB No. Aip funding of airports.

Lineage 2 Interlude Treasure Box Patch Programs Download

Dear players!We decided to remain faithful to the traditions, so we announce one of the most beloved events: The Siege of the Castles Aden and Giran!EVENT RULES:First, you have to capture The Castle, but it'll be not the end of your adventures. You must capture and successfully defend Castle on the next Siege! Only after the successful defense you will own the large treasure chest! If one clan will be unable to protect the Castle, the other clan gets opportunity to win the prize!The reward for capture and defense the castle Aden is 300 €!The reward for capture and defense the castle Giran is 200 €!So, everything is simple, you must Capture the Castle, Defend it in next siege and get the reward!The first Siege of Aden will be on the 5th of October!The first Siege of Giran will be on the 12th of October!You will find a lot of more interesting events and surprises here! Stay tuned with La2Dream! Official Opening on the 28 of SEPTEMBER, at 8 PM (UTC +3)Dear guests and veterans of the NEW La2Dream Interlude x50 WORLD!We are pleased to announce that the successful conclusion of the OBT!