Spyro Dawn Of The Dragon Para Opl

Posted : admin On 30.12.2019
Spider man 2 opl

In order to prevent mishaps, I want any Moderator that is currently updating this list to first post a quick reply to this thread that he is conducting an update, and when finished to post another quick reply that he is done. Continuously do this each time, because if two moderators or more are updating the list at the same time, the last save will overwrite any other moderator's update.We've also provided a Flash Video tutorial on how to edit properly a Table Chart in the forum. Click Here:It will teach you how to add a row above or below an entry.If you have suggestions on how to make this chart better, PM me! Or post your suggestions below in this thread. Helpful Tutorials and links. We found a method on how to fix the Yellow Debug Color for a game that gets stuck there. We discovered that sometimes a ISO rip may not be ripped correctly or by a different ripping tool that may not be compatible with OPL-thus this may cause the game to get stuck when loading at the Yellor Debug Color in OPL.What you need:.


Virtual Clone Drive (Free Version) -. ImgBurn (Free Version) -Instructions:. Mount the problem ISO with Virtual Clone Drive so it creates a Virtual Disc Drive in your PC. This makes it seem that you have the game disc on your computer to be able to create another ISO.

Next open ImgBurn and go through the normal process of creating an ISO from the virtual disc drive. Be sure to rename it differently or to a different folder in your computer, so you don't try to rewrite the old ISO file.

Dawn Of The Dragon Facebook

Now unmount the old ISO from Virtual Clone Drive and delete the old file from your PC. Now try to test your new ISO-be sure to name it correctly as to how OPL prefers it to be loaded and etc. If you see that it passes the Yellow Debug Color in OPL after a few seconds getting stuck there, you just fixed the ISO!NOTE: Some other issues reported about Yellow Debug Color is that the ISO or your entire HDD needs a defrag. It wouldn't hurt to try that also. Other than that, if it still gets stuck at the Yellow Debug Color, than it might be a problem with the game, and be sure to let us know below.LEGEND:Title = Game TitleID = Game ID - this will also help for the region of the game.Media = if the game is a CD, DVD5, or DVD9OPL = what version of OPL are you testing the game with?DEVICE = what device are you loading the game from in OPL? SMB?Mode = what modes do you need to enable in order for the game to work?VMC = tells us if it works with the Virtual Memory Card method? If you don't use this method, just leave it blank.Compatible = Yes?

Or See Notes?Notes = Report any issues whether it works or not. What colors screen does it freeze on? Of other troubleshoot suggestions and etc.

You may also provide info about your console? What version is it and etc? DO NOT REPORT THAT IT WORKS FINE OR THAT YOU RECOMMEND IT AND ETC. ONLY ISSUES WHEN PLAYING THE GAME ON OPL.copy and paste the below information when supplying your submissions below.

Code: Title =ID =Media =OPL =Device =Mode =VMC =Compatible =Notes = ATTN Members:. If you get a 'Like' from me in your post below, or from another moderator.

This will mean that we have acknowledged your entry and have updated the chart with your information. If you don't provide all the information we ask above, your entry will be ignored. Please confirm the games yourselves before giving us this information. We are aware that there are many other compatibly lists in the forum as well as from other sites. But we need for you to validate it, before giving us that information here. Lots of other charts are either obsolete or are not truly validated. So to avoid confusion, provide games that you can vouch yourself.


How quickly will my list be included? I normally update this list at least once a month. To give enough time for members to help you troubleshoot your issues or rebut your reports. So please be patient.OPL 'Known Issues with certain Games'.

TITLEIDMEDIAOPLDEVICEMODEVMCCOMPATIBLENOTES.hack // INFECTIONSLES522.37DVD50.9.2SMBNOYESSMB: With VMC-enabled it freezes when locating MC for first save.hack //G.U Vol.1: RebirthSLUS212.58DVD50.9.2SMB / USBYESUSB: Laggy in-game videos, normal in gameplay.hack //G.U Vol. 2: ReminisceSLUS214.88DVD50.9.2SMBYES.hack //G.U Vol.3: RedemptionSLUS214.89DVD50.9.2SMBYES007: AGENT UNDER FIRESLUS202.65DVD50.9.2SMB6YESYESENABLE MODE 6 OR GET A BLACK SCREEN WHEN GAME LOADS007: NightfireSLUS205.79DVD50.9.2SMB6YES7 SINSSLES532.97CD0.9.2SMBYES18 WHEELER: AMERICAN PRO TRUCKERSLUS202.10CD0.9.2SMBYESYES24 - THE GAMESLUS212.68DVD50.9.2SMBYESYES1945 I & II - THE ARCADE GAMESSLES517.41CD0.9.2 r705SMB6YESYESSMB: works with Rev. TITLEIDMEDIAOPLDEVICEMODEVMCCOMPATIBLENOTESBaldur's Gate: Dark AllianceSLUS200.35SLES506.72DVD50.9.2SMB / HDDYESYESBaldur's Gate: Dark Alliance IISLES521.87SLUS206.75DVD50.9.2HDD / SMBYESSMB: cutscenes fine, gameplay lags periodically, annoying but still sort of playable.BASS STRIKESLUS203.25CD0.9.2SMB2, 3,6YESYESPress X to skip all the FMVs so you can start the game.


Hangs on the infamous 'first item glitch.' Tried all modes. I believe it works on previous versions of OPL.Non-GSM: Non-GSM versions of OPL 0.9.2 do not have the first item freeze. I switched back and forth several times & it froze every time with a GSM integrated OPL.Fatal Fury: Battle Archives Volume 2SLUS217.23DVD50.9.2HDD / USB6YESModes 6 needed, or else it BSOD's after loading a second time. Cold Boot - Read post 93 for more details.FIFA 14SLES556.71SLES556.72DVD50.9.2SMB / USBYESSLES556.71 Game ELF is EncryptedFIGHT NIGHT 2004SLUS209.06DVD50.9.2SMBYESYESFIGHT NIGHT ROUND 2SLUS211.61DVD50.9.2SMBYESYESFIGHT NIGHT ROUND 3SLUS213.83DVD50.9.2SMBYESYESFinal Fantasy XSCES504.90SLUS203.12DVD50.9.2HDD / SMB6YESYESFMV stutter. PS2 v12, Modbo Chip with composite cables, the PC is connected trough wireless to the router.

TITLEIDMEDIAOPLDEVICEMODEVMCCOMPATIBLENOTESI-NINJASLUS207.05DVD50.9.2SMB2YESYESICOSCES507.60SCUS971.13DVD5 / CD0.9.2USB / SMB / HDDREAD NOTESYESSCUS. = DVD5VMC: sometimes game will black out with VMC enabled. Might be a game save corruption issue?Indiana Jones and the Emperor's TombSLUS205.08DVD50.9.2SMB6YESMode 6 needed or else BSOD. Use GSM forced to NTSC to disable the blurred image that the game causes.IRON ACES 2: BIRDS OF PREYSLES506.86DVD50.9.2SMBYESYESJ. TITLEIDMEDIAOPLDEVICEMODEVMCCOMPATIBLENOTESJak IISCUS972.65DVD50.9.2USB3, 6, 7See NotesGame is playable up to 94% of the game.

Then it freezes.Jak II: RenegadeSCES516.08DVD50.9SMB3, 6, 7YESJak 3SCUS973.30DVD50.9HDD, SMB2, 3, 6YESYESJAK AND DAXTER: THE LOST FRONTIERSCUS975.58DVD50.9.2SMBYESYESJak and Daxter: The PrecursorSCUS971.24DVD50.9SMB / HDD3, 6, 7YESsometimes doesn't start, so you have to reset and works i dunno whyJet Ski RidersSLES505.52CD0.9.2USBYESThis game same as Wave RallyK. RUSHSLUS211.12DVD50.9.2SMBYESYESLEGO Batman The VideogameSLUS217.85DVD50.9.2SMBNONO / YESEvery time the game is saved and rebooted the saved file becomes corrupt, tested with VMC and MC.Update: saved it to a memory card and the file didnt become corrupt like the above post stated, but maybe it just doesnt happen every time.

I have only played it a couple times so far.LEGO Indiana Jones - The Original AdventuresSLUS217.59DVD50.9.2HDDYESLEGO STAR WARS: THE VIDEO GAMESLUS210.83DVD50.9.2SMB6YESYESmust enable Mode 6LEGO Star Wars II: The Original TrilogySLES542.21DVD50.9.2SMBNOYESLEISURE SUIT LARRY: MAGNA CUM LAUDESLUS209.56DVD50.9.2SMBYESYESLETHAL SKIES: ELITE PILOT TEAM SWSLUS203.86DVD50.9.2SMBYESYESLETHAL SKIES 2SLUS207.35DVD50.9.2SMBYESYESLooney Tunes: Acme ArsenalSLES549.31DVD50.9.2HDD6YESLOONEY TUNES: SPACE RACESLUS203.52SLES504.87CD0.9.2SMBYESYESM. TITLEIDMEDIAOPLDEVICEMODEVMCCOMPATIBLENOTESMace Griffen – Bounty HunterSLES516.53DVD50.9HDD6YESYESMadagascarSCUS971.24DVD50.9.2HDDYESMagix Music MakerSLUS206.09CD0.9.2HDD4YESYESMode 4 compatibility, otherwise it hangs on loading a saved song.Marvel Vs. TITLEIDMEDIAOPLDEVICEMODEVMCCOMPATIBLENOTESSaint Seiya: The HadesSLES541.620.6USB / SMBYESSCARFACE: THE WORLD IS YOURSSLUS211.11DVD50.9.2SMB2YESYESScooby-Doo! And the Spooky SwampSLES556.09DVD50.9.2HDDYESScooby-Doo! TITLEIDMEDIAOPLDEVICEMODEVMCCOMPATIBLENOTESZOMBIE HUNTERS - ZOMBIE ZONE: OTHER SIDE (ONEECHANBARA)SLES544.61CD0.9.2SMB / USB2YESYESZOMBIE HUNTERS 2SLES545.69CD0.9.2SMB / USB2YESYESZombie ZoneSLES533.98CD0.9.2USBYESZone of the EndersSLES501.11SLUS201.48DVD50.9HDD / SMB2YESYESZone of the Enders – The Second RunnerSLES511.13SLUS205.45DVD50.9HDD / SMB2YESYESZone of the Enders The 2nd Runner Special EditionSLES511.13DVD50.9.2USB2YESUSB: Has issues reported here. Click to expand.SMB is short for Server Message Block, a very common network client/server protocol implementation. It's also known as Common Internet File System (CIFS).For local communications however it does not require Internet.It's the protocol used by Windows & other OSs for file sharing among other things, if you use network shares at home/school/work, you are most likely already relying on SMB without knowing it.SMB implementations vary a little from platform to platform & as you would expect Windows & Linux use different implementations.

They are however mostly compatible & SMB can be used to communicate & exchange data between the 2 platforms in a reliable manner.On Linux, Samba implements the SMB protocol, you must have heard of Samba before.Back to your ps2 game problem, if you do not have a network adapter on older ps2 models or a working integrated network interface on the most recent ps2 models, you cannot use SMB.