Cat Software Yaesu Ft 736r Reviews

Posted : admin On 11.01.2020

I'm sure the CAT function in the FT-847 does what it was designed to do.It's just that it should have been designed to do more. The contest andlogging software I have used (NA, CT and LogEQF) allow you enter frequencyinformation from either the keyboard or the radio. The ability of the radioto report it's VFO and mode registers permits the radio and software toremain synchronized. Otherwise, during the 'heat of battle' in a contestI'm quite sure this synchronization could be easily lost which would cause amajor headache when trying to troubleshoot the logs later.Although the intent of the FT-847 is probably not as a full boogie HFcontest radio it certainly is a contender for VHF contesting. Personally,the only use I have for the computer interface to a radio is in the contextof logging (contest or otherwise).

Yaesu Ft 736r Rigpix

In this regard Yaesu made a goof ineliminating the status dump command. I hope they correct this in futureupgrades to the radio OS. Actually Yaesu needs to revise their entire CATcommand structure so that individual registers (as in ICOM and Kenwood) canbe uploaded. The status dump from my FT-1000 is over 1K which is far moreinfo than is really needed and is the only way to retrieve VFO data.W8KXThis is NOT true. Unlike the FT-736R when the FT-847 is in CAT mode you dohave dual control.

The front panel controls are NOT disabled. It is truethat the FT-847 does not send frequency and mode information to the computerlike in other radios.I have seen postings about this so called defect of the CAT function. TheCAT function works just fine on both my FT-736R and FT-847.

SoftwareCat Software Yaesu Ft 736r Reviews

I can seeposting a message about the CAT function not working or about the radio notsending certain information to the computer. But why does everyone post amessage trying to make it sound like some sort of defect? If you are usingthe CAT function and operating the radio by computer there is no need forthe radio to send frequency or mode information to the computer. If the needis for the present frequency and mode information to be added to loggingfunctions within a CAT software this can be done with software routineswithin the program and no need for the radio to communicate them to thecomputer. Unlike my program 'CATLink Pro for the FT-736R', the new programfor the FT-847 I am working on will have this capability. You will simplyjust click the 'save to log' button and all info will be saved to the nextlog record.I would just like to say, 'Congradulations Yaesu!'

For a very fine productin the Yaesu FT-847.Gary N5IXI (Maryland)catlink@erols.comCATLink Software.-FAQ on WWW:Submissions: yaesu@contesting.comAdministrative requests: yaesu-REQUEST@contesting.comProblems: owner-yaesu@contesting.comSearch.

Hello,my name is Manuel and i need your help.I want to control my Yaesu FT 736R with CAT and LOG4OM. Is it possible? I know it is an old Radio and CAT control is not camparable with modern radios.In HRD the CAT control of the FT 736R will work with a combination of YAESU FT 847 Windows Emulator program (written by KA6BFB) and VSPE Emulator program (that creates a virtual COM port).Do you have any idea or option for using my FT 736R with LOG4OM?I have a CAT cable for YAESU FT 736R and associated Software for Windows 7.I hope you can give me a solution for my Problem.many thanks and 73Manuel. I have tested it like your describtion but it does not workI am using omnirig and have selected yaesu ft 847 in the dropdown list.In combination with vspe Emulator and FT 847 Emulator from KA6BFB my Yaesu ft 736 is connected for 1 second with log4om and than not and than for 1 second and not. But no chance to see the frequency and control it in log4om, i can only hear 'beep' and see the 'CAT sytems' graphic symbol at my radio everytime it is connected for these seconds.I think there is only a small setting somewhere to do but i don't know where. I have read that Yaesu FT 736R have TTL Level.Sorry for my sometimes bad english. I hope you have any idea to help me with this problem.73.